Our Q&A with Claudia KeAloha continues from "Hawaii 36EEE," her solo cam show video in SCORE Theater. This time we tapped into Claudia's life as an exotic dancer.
SCORE: How did you handle your very first time on stage?
Claudia KeAloha: Well, when I started dancing, I was studying modern dance, and I thought I had to perform like it was "Lincoln Center." [Laughs] Until a kind customer told me stripping was not supposed to be energetic or fast. He said "Just move slowly, sensually, turn and turn." He was right!
SCORE: How should guys behave in a dance club, besides giving the dancers his weekly paycheck and living on crackers?
Claudia KeAloha: Guys should just relax and be themselves. Some of my greatest conversations have been at strip clubs. Treating the dancers well will get you much further. If you know what I mean. [Laughs] You get more bees with honey than vinegar.
SCORE: Do you meet lap dance-aholics?
Claudia KeAloha: Yes. Many. Sometimes I worry about them. Like gambling, you can see guys who are strip-aholics.
SCORE: What things should a guy never do or say to a dancer?
Claudia KeAloha: I guess it's more what not to say to a dancer. I would say, never assume too much of anything about dancers. Just like a customer could be sitting with someone who epitomizes the stereotype of a "stripper," they could be sitting with someone who may just become a good friend or has a lot to say. You never know. Never judge a book by its cover.
SCORE: What do the dancers talk about in their club's locker-room?
Claudia KeAloha: Honestly? Mostly complaining about men. You know, the same thing women talk about everywhere. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. We'll never understand each other. We should only get together to fuck. That is my theory after much research. [Laughs]
SCORE: What have been some of your favorite clubs?
Claudia KeAloha: I would have to say my all-time favorite is the great Olympic Gardens, and Crazy Horse Too in Vegas, when it was open. Great club, great management, great times. I started dancing at the cut-off time right before a lot of mainstream clubs started to open everywhere. The older style of running strip clubs was better for the dancers.
SCORE: We've been to both. Lacey Legends and Europe DiChan used to dance at OG. Last question: how come so many dancers seem to be supporting couch potato guys?
Claudia KeAloha: Wow! You really have some time for me to answer this one? You'll need a bottle of wine, and better get comfy. It's complex. A sociological problem. Women bond with dysfunctional men for many reasons. I do not want to bore you too much!
SCORE: Thanks, Claudia.