Larissa Linn is outdoors in a pastoral setting. Are you ready for her? She outdoes Daisy Dukes in every way. This girl can't take a bad picture even if she tried. She's too beautiful.
"I love being outside when the weather is nice and warm, so I really enjoyed taking the pictures and making this video," Larissa said on the way back to town. "It was very secluded with no people around and no one could see what we were doing."
It was also nice for Larissa to get away from her number-crunching desk job (she's a certified accountant and auditor) and be her real self: sensuous and sexy.
"After a day of posing, I don't go out to party. I have dinner with the crew and go to my room and read until I go to bed. One of my favorite writers is Panteleimon Kulish, a 19th century Ukrainian. He translated Shakespeare into Ukrainian!"