77-year-old Desiree calls herself a

"I was the Brownie scout leader, the Girl Scout leader, the volunteer at schools. You know, the nice churchgoing lady. That's me. Or it was me."
Now, Desiree Eden, 77 years old and our oldest lady ever, is a wife, mother, grandmother and swinger who has taken on upwards of 30 men in one outing, dresses in slutty clothes and gets off and fucks for our viewing pleasure at 60PlusMILFs.com. Wearing an outfit most 70somethings wouldn't dare wear, Mrs. Eden plays with herself and cums hard in these photos.
60Plus MILFs: So 30 year ago, you did not consider yourself the sexy mom.
Desiree: Good heavens, no. I was a mom, yes, but I was your typical suburbanite. You know, you do the chores, you clean the house, you bake, you cook and take care of your husband, and that was it.
60Plus MILFs: So, forget about porn, swinging was not even on your radar.
Desiree: Not 30 years ago.
60Plus MILFs: Did you think of yourself as sexy?
Desiree: No. That did not come until I started donning clothes like this and people paid attention. And I went, "Oh, well, that feels pretty good. I like that feeling." And the more I wore it and the more often I got that feeling, your confidence grows. And confidence is sexy.
60Plus MILFs: But one doesn't go from jeans and sweaters to sexy outfits and swinging overnight.
Desiree: No, they don't. It's a progression. I started going to the parties, and I could see what the other ladies were wearing, and I'd buy this and that. And it just grew from there to where I have a whole closet full of my special shoes, boots and clothes. One whole closet just for me. I have a huge walk-in closet so all my shoes can be displayed, so I can see exactly what I have and what I want to wear that night or whatever. All my boots are there. All my long gowns. All my short dresses. All my tops. My skirts.
60Plus MILFs: How do you decide what to wear?
Desiree: It's just what the party calls for. How I feel. I dress like a classy slut. No bra. Short dresses and skirts. Low-cut tops. Blouses with more than two buttons undone. Usually heels to match my outfits.