Mrs. North fucks her daughter's boyfriend

Dressed in a tight top and short skirt, 41-year-old wife and mom Julia North is surprised when she walks into her daughter's bedroom and sees a guy lying on the bed. Who is this guy and what's he doing in her kid's bedroom?
"I'm your daughter's boyfriend," he says. "She said I could wait here."
Julia's never met him. Actually, the guy seems to be a little old to be her daughter's boyfriend, but you know how some guys are, always thinking young pussy is the best pussy, not realizing that mature pussy trumps all.
"What are you doing here?" Julia asks.
"Just waiting for your daughter," he says, like the cat who's about to eat the canary.
"You're fucking my daughter?" she says.
He doesn't want to answer.
"She's 18, so..."
"Maybe her mother?" she says. "Show me, please, what you have."
What he has? He has a hard-on, of course, and it's about to be sucked and fucked like no 18-year-old can. For example, she's going to feast on his balls. She's going to show him positions he never knew existed. And then he's going to cum on her tits.
As for Julia's daughter, what she doesn't know can't hurt her. Until her boyfriend breaks up with her, of course.