When Sandra Star visits Steve as he's taking a bath, she can't help but smile, join in and stick her big tits in his face. Sandra wants to fuck right now and she doesn't need to do much to get his flagpole up. There's plenty of room in that tub for a hard bang. It's trickier than screwing on a bed or a couch but Sandra's in perfect shape.
Sandra keeps fit to fuck by eating healthy and working out at the gym. You can guess what she wears to the gym. With her body, a tease show everywhere she goes is to be expected. Who'd want it any other way?
"I wear tight shorts and a normal top, but, of course, with my breasts, my tops are always very tight," said Sandra. "The guys at the gym will say nothing but they stare a little bit, but I like that. I like when people are staring at my breasts when I'm dressed to show them off. Some days I feel a little bit shy and I feel funny when people look at me, so it depends. Usually I like it. I love my boobs and when people look at them."