Bunny Brooks is a webcam girl. "I stripped for two years prior to finding a banner on a website. I clicked it and I started watching all these girls. I said, 'This can't be real,' so I signed up, and before I knew it, I quit stripping. It's much more fun. You get to interact with people. It's fun getting to know people. Making friends and meeting people from all over the world. You get to interact more with people as opposed to stripping where it's just, 'Here you go. See you later. Hope you enjoyed your lap dance.'
"I'm pretty good at tit-fucking. Just oil the babies up and get right to it. Maybe give a little blow job while I'm at it. You know, suck their cock while they're tit-fucking me, catch the head on the upswing. I don't swallow. Cum can go anywhere else. It can go in my mouth and I'll spit. On my tits. On my face. On my ass. In my pussy. In my ass. Anywhere else. I just don't swallow. I love seeing it out on my body, but it upsets my stomach. Otherwise I would swallow in a heartbeat."
What else should we know about the perky and bubbly blonde bra-buster?
"I like to drink a lot of beer. My favorite local bar is in Atlanta. They have a passport club. I've already accumulated over 650 different beers. I'm kind of a beer connoisseur. I'm a gamer and I play World of Warcraft. And I have three large dogs, Great Danes."