What does Roxanne Diamond like so much about being photographed in the buff?
"I enjoy the freedom and the erotic feelings. The body is a beautiful thing and nakedness should not be considered wrong and immoral. We are all born naked. I hope we can one day accept that we are sexual beings and have natures that should be expressed without fear and shame. Women should be allowed to enjoy masturbation and sex with other people without society's humiliation.
"I enjoy the very basic activities of life. I like to take walks in the forest, listen to music, read books and poetry and write poetry. I am interested in alternative healing and lifestyles. I don't engage in the fast life of meaningless and empty pursuits.
"I had not thought about modeling until I met Joana. I learned how famous she is and she is a good friend now. She encouraged me to try this. I respect her life philosophy and attitude. She is more spiritual than people know."