Another top-shelf video from LDM, doing it all again for you."Had a hard day?" asks proud publican Linsey at her most seductive. "Want a harder night?" Welcome to Linsey's Public House or Linsey's Pub, for short. Did you see the impossibly huge brassiere hanging off the sign outside? Well, you've come to the right place, mate. Here you can down a few pints in homey comfort, personally served by its world-famous owner, Linsey Dawn. Her trademark is wearing the sexy strippers' version of a Bavarian beer maiden's costume with white cotton panties underneath. The girl can't help it. "These outfits get so tight!" Linsey moans. Something's brewing. "Fancy a beer?" LDM asks. "We have plenty of it. Or do you fancy something else? Maybe you're hungry." Looks like a big tab is in your future. Start bending your elbow while Linsey licks beer off her nipple. St. Pauli Girl never did that for you.