'The fundamentals in a poly relationship are the same as the fundamentals in any OTHER relationship -- you just gotta be MORE.''Daddy' Smassh, 'Mommy' AKGINGERSNAPS, and 'Babygirl' Lana Mars don't view romance and family in quite the same way as other people. This trio of adult performers are polyamorous, meaning that they are all in a relationship -- with each other! If you've ever wondered what such a relationship looks like, join this unique family and get a glimpse into their world as they embark on a road trip across beautiful Alaska.One of the hardest parts about being in a poly relationship is telling other people about it. Although some people are more accepting these days, there are others that still want things to stay 'traditional.' For AKGINGERSNAPS and Lana, they also had to tell their loved ones that they're bisexual as well, with mixed results. While revealing one's relationship status and sexuality is already lifechanging enough, throwing in the fact that they all work within the adult industry as well makes it even more challenging!But despite all this, this family has learned that nothing else matters as long as they support each other. Although some days are harder than others, as long as they have each other's backs, they can get through anything....And sometimes supporting each other means giving each other a sensual massage with a happy ending. In their travels, AKGINGERSNAPS and Lana come across a steam room with an adjacent private massage room. As Lana drops her robe and climbs onto the massage table, it's time to support each other, emotionally AND physically!