Minka's looking fit, trim, tight and well-toned. Her regular tennis practice and competitive matches keep the big-bust legend in great shape. Her neon-green dress is tight, low-cut, short and holey. Those holes provide access points to Minka's extremely long nipples that she tweaks, pulls and pinches. Nipples that give a man a black eye or two. "Nipple number-one," is an expression Minka often uses.
Minka's massive tits are deadly weapons and her nipples are the longest ever seen at SCORELAND. In the close-ups of Minka plunging a thick, flesh-like cock into her pussy, her amazing, extra-large, sensitive clit is also shown in extreme close-up. Minka cums hard when she rubs it during fucking or masturbation.
"I'm on the tennis court every day. I have a team. I coach, but I made them too strong. Mentally strong. We intimidate the other team. Psyche them out. If you're going to be good, you have to have a mental game. And I'm the coach, so every team is writing letters complaining about me. They do not like what I do with my partner on the court, chest bumps and kissing. It psyches out the other team."
Chest bumps with Minka. A brush with a super-legend.