Damsel in Distress in the Dungeon: The Photos

This dungeon photo shoot of Heather Hooters was published in February 1996 SCORE. The cover photo of Heather wearing the S&M style fetish outfit she wore in the video was a departure from the usual clothing the covergirls wore.
Heather, who was born in Michigan, began dancing in 1991. She was making roast beef sandwiches at fast food restaurant Arby's when she read an ad for topless dancers in the newspaper. The female manager of the Country Palace in Kalamazoo was a dancer herself and hired Heather. The money and excitement was better than toiling over roast beef sandwiches. The one downside: guys who got too handsy.
In time, Heather developed different shows and moved up to feature dancing status, traveling around America. She liked being naked on-stage more than going topless. The most explicit videos she ever did were masturbation. Hardcore with guys was not appealing to her and she was content to stay on the path she chose. Some girls do, some don't.